- Pepper D. Culpepper, Ryan Shandler, Jae-Hee Jung and Taeku Lee, “'The economy is rigged': Inequality narratives, fairness, and support for redistribution in six countries.” Comparative Political Studies, 2024.
Replication data here.
- Pepper D. Culpepper, Jae-Hee Jung and Taeku Lee, “Banklash: How media coverage of bank scandals moves mass preferences on financial regulation.” American Journal of Political Science 68(2), 427-444, 2024.
Replication data here.
- Tom Nicholls and Pepper D. Culpepper, “Computational identification of media frames: strengths, weaknesses and opportunities.” Political Communication 1-2, 159-181, 2020.
Replication data here.
The research on which the following publications are based was not funded by the ERC and preceded the Banklash project. These articles are however an important part of the intellectual trajectory out of which Banklash developed.
Commentary and Media